As the weather starts to get cooler, we start seeing Christmas decorations pop up in stores and hear the familiar jingle of holiday music everywhere. It is that time of the year again when families and friends come together to celebrate the holidays. Us college students are finally taking a breather soon for winter break and we’ll be entering a new year soon too. Only, the holiday season still does not feel quite right.
For the second year in a row, we are celebrating the holidays during a global pandemic. The holidays haven’t looked the same in a long time. Many of us have lost loved ones, lost friends and changed in many ways. Our sense of normalcy has changed completely throughout these two years. COVID-19 has changed the way our lives work all over the world. But, PantherNow wants to wish the FIU community a happy holiday season anyway. No matter what, we must be thankful for the things we have and remain patient for the pandemic to be under control even more. We need to still keep an optimistic outlook. Despite everything we as a community have gone through, we still stand tall. We have gone through quarantine, many variants of the virus, political turmoil worldwide and our own personal struggles. But yet, many of us are still looking forward to this holiday season so we can get some resemblance of peace and happiness.
The holiday season is about spreading joy to others and spending as much time with your loved ones as you can. Go ice skating with your friends, hang Christmas decorations with your family, go participate in all of your favorite holiday traditions. Things will be looking up soon and the holidays will be a reminder of that.
These past two years have been hard. We’re all sick of living through this pandemic. We all are clinging to hope that this pandemic will be over sooner than later. But, don’t let that ruin your holiday spirit. Make sure you are communicating with your friends and family about how much they mean to you and talk to them about your feelings about this holiday season. This is a time of reflection so we can see how much we have changed throughout the pandemic. PantherNow wishes everyone a happy holiday and we hope next year things will look better around this time.
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash