Alexander Luzula | Staff Writer
With Black History Month in full swing FIU made sure to showcase Black History by hosting the Black History 101 Mobile Museum which went on display on both BBC and MMC campuses.
The BBC exhibit went on display in Panther Square at the Wolfe University Center on February 7th and in the Graham Center Pit at the MMC campus on February 8th.
The event showcased a wide variety of memorabilia that spanned over a century and a half of Black history in the United States, ranging from slavery auction posters from the 1850s to souvenirs of the Civil Rights and Black Power movements of the 1960s.
Dr. Khalid el-Hakim is the founder and curator of the mobile museum, which highlights a long timeline of African-American culture and its impacts. El-Hakim’s work began teaching in the Detroit public school system, and over time, evolved into a traveling exhibit. Through his traveling exhibit, he has been able to expand access to Black history and culture many would not have had otherwise.
“The significance of having a mobile museum to raise awareness about aspects of American history that is not being given equal space in equal history textbooks, in public school curriculum, in museum spaces.”
Ashley Perez, BSU Programming Director for Black History Month, states that this is the second time the Mobile Museum has been present on campus, with the first being during last year’s Juneteenth celebrations.
“I think it’s important because it gives students of all backgrounds the opportunity to really learn about our history and to learn about the struggles, but also the beautiful parts of our culture, especially now with the 50th anniversary of hip-hop. We really wanted people to just come and learn more about our history and get a better understanding of our own experiences and day-to-day experiences.”
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