Student writers might need to take a few lessons from A.I.

Via Unsplash.

Kailey Krantz-Diaz | Contributing Writer

Writing is a creative endeavor. But at the end of the day, like most careers in the arts and entertainment industry, it is a business.

Many FIU students on and off campus are studying to become the next generation of authors and writers.

However, in recent years, there’s been a growing conversation about the need for human writers during the digital age, when artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, Quillbot and Grammarly, exists.

Even the university is aware of ChatGPT’s potential in terms of “essay grading and feedback, research assistance and language translation,” as per FIU Libraries.

So it shouldn’t be shocking to find student writers using these programs as aids in the creative writing process, from restructuring sentences to finding synonyms to replace different words. 

The debate surrounding the use of A.I. generated writing tools come from the fears of it replacing students in future writing opportunities and readers gradually being able to tell the difference between a human writing a story and an A.I. generated story.

Still, student writers should learn to use A.I. writing tools but never overly rely on them as a backup system. Students become dependent on ChatGPT and other A.I. to assist them with essays and research projects, thus sacrificing their genuine input into these assignments.

When there is a technological advancement that could help future employers and employees print reading material, such as books, magazines, and articles efficiently, companies will take advantage of that, especially in the 21st century.

This doesn’t mean that A.I. generated writing tools are perfect.

These programs are fairly new and not all of the technical difficulties are fixed. In addition, there’s a certain flair in writing only replicated by human creativity and imagination, rather than A.I.

There are many ways that student writers can improve their writing style, one example being FIU’s Writing Center.

Even then, student writers should not be afraid to test these software programs.

The best way for student writers to handle the rise in A.I. is to learn how to use these programs alongside developing their craft, creating a balance between human effort and A.I. to get an edge on the competition. 


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