Alexander Luzula | Assistant News Director
FIU’s Board of Trustees is set to meet in person for the first time this semester on Sept. 14 at Tamiami Hall’s Multipurpose Room at 8 a.m.
In preparation of the meeting, the board has released their agenda and schedule ahead of time for public knowledge.
The Audit and Compliance Committee is expected to open the meeting, recommending the full board approve the charters, policies and work plans for the Office of Internal Audit, as well as the Office of University Compliance and Integrity.
The board will also be discussing the Compliance Office’s quarterly report, as well as the Internal Audit Office’s yearly status report. In regards to new business, the board will also be discussing the Office of Internal Audit’s auditing process.
The Finance and Facilities Committee will follow, recommending the board approve the proposed University and Direct Support Organizations Operating Budgets, totaling $1.7 billion, as well as the Fixed Capital Outlay Budget for university improvement and the upcoming 2024-2025 Fixed Capital Outlay Legislative Budget Request.
Several contracts and agreements are slated to be discussed for renewal. FIU’s Third Quarter Financial Performance Review and Campus Master Plan will be discussed, as well as several updates from various departments.
After a break, the Strategic Planning Committee is expected to approve the Annual Accountability Plan, as well as discussing the Strategic Plan Mid-Cycle Review regarding curriculum and student success.
The Academic Policy and Student Affairs Committee will recommend that the board approve the 29 faculty members nominated for tenure, as well as three new faculty members slated to receive tenure as a condition of employment at a later date.
The committee has also recommended that the board approve the renewal of the Embrace Education Program, aimed at helping students with intellectual disabilities, working with the Center for Students with Unique Abilities. Student Conduct and Honor Code Regulation FIU-2501 has been amended, extending more rights to students in regards to disciplinary matters.
Regulation FIU-2505 has also been amended, allowing for the sale and possession of alcohol at the Wolfsonian.
Regulation FIU-2506 has also been amended extensively, granting FIU and the board greater authority in regards to program termination and suspension. The committee will also be discussing relations with international universities, as well as hearing updates from the Student Government and the Faculty Senate.
The Governance Committee will be moving to ratify the President’s Management Review and Incentive Compensation Award, congratulating President Jessell for completing presidential goals and awarding him $225,000, as well as establishing performance goals for next year.
The committee will also discuss compliance policies in regards with the Board of Governors Statement of Free Expression. The committee also recommended the board ratify the wage reopener established between the board and Florida Public Employees Council 79, granting eligible employees a one-time bonus of $2,000. Also recommended is the ratification of the agreement between the board and Local 713 of the AFL-CIO, granting a 5% bonus to eligible employees.
After lunch, the External Relations Committee will be providing updates on strategic communications and external relations and its efforts to highlight FIU’s achievements.
The full board will conclude the meeting by reviewing all the matters on the agenda and receiving other status updates from the committees before adjourning for the day.
The board is expected to next meet in three months, on Dec. 7.
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