Tourism in Miami is a problem

“Miami is one of the hottest vacation destinations to visit during the summer, but its allure comes with a price.” | Kailey Krantz, PantherNOW

Kailey Krantz | Staff Writer

Miami is one of the hottest vacation destinations to visit during the summer, but its allure comes with a price. The city is becoming flooded with tourists who are becoming a bigger burden as each year passes. 

Part of the charm that comes with visiting Miami is the picturesque beaches with the glorified shopping malls and luxury restaurants, but it’s all a facade to hide the ugly truth. 

There is garbage in the sand, restaurants are packed with tourists and our culture is being commodified for cheap profits.

The city has tried to take action by closing some of the islands to try to prevent more pollution from occurring during the holidays since thousands of people will be traveling to these tropical areas to celebrate. 

If the beach is left dirty, it’s a public safety risk and damages the habitat marine animals live in. It ruins the locals’ homes when we have to be overly cautious about stepping on plastic and glass. 

Besides that it’s basic courtesy to clean your area once you’re finished, being mindful of your surroundings helps you appreciate the city’s landscapes and environments. 

Then there’s social media glorifying the city causing every spot to be overcrowded with tourists. 

It’s frustrating because everyone is having their own photoshoots in local spots which is a nuisance for locals trying to get from point A to point B. 

I like that some of these places are getting customers since it helps out our city’s economy, but the overcrowding can be a huge turn-off to anyone who wants to go there.

I want to go to a restaurant and enjoy myself, not be worried about there being too many people in a single area.

There is also a sense of entitlement like they own the area when it’s a public space meant for everyone to enjoy. 

The traffic congestion got so bad during spring break that the police presence was increased and a curfew was put in place to keep people off the streets. Even the beach was closed!

Some FIU students living in the downtown Miami area are burdened with the hassle of traveling to the MMC and BBC campuses and back when tourists are hogging up the streets. 

I get that people like to share their experiences on social media and they want to enjoy themselves, but only going to these hot spots that look pretty online does a disservice to the locals who want to enjoy their home.

Miami is the place we call home, but we’re starting to lose that. Unless we take action, the city will become the land of the tourists. 


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