Christopher Madrid | Staff Writer
Florida State Senator Randy Fine recently filed a bill barring illegal immigrants from applying to a majority of Florida state universities.
The bill, SB 244, filed this Tuesday would ban illegal immigrants from attending Florida Universities with a 85% or lower acceptance rate.
In December, Sen. Fine filed another anti-illegal immigrant bill. Bill SB90 removed a waiver that previously allowed illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition costs.
“Is it fair to allow an illegal immigrant to take a spot that could be taken by a Floridian or an American? I would argue no,” said Fine. “[They] no longer can accept illegal immigrants to attend and must exclusively be for Americans, Floridians, or people from other countries who are able to apply legally.”
Both bills affect the majority of Florida College System institutions and state colleges, such as Florida International University, Polytechnic, University of Central Florida, University of Florida, Florida State University, and more.
The bill has yet to reach the Senate floor. Updates will be given based on the status of the bill.