Georgia legalizes Campus Carry
The bill would allow anyone 21 or older with a weapons license to carry a gun anywhere on a public college or university campus, except for inside dormitories fraternities and sorority houses and at athletic events.
The bill would allow anyone 21 or older with a weapons license to carry a gun anywhere on a public college or university campus, except for inside dormitories fraternities and sorority houses and at athletic events.
Tracy Nguyen, of West Covina, was about to enter her second year at UCLA when she died from an overdose at a Los Angeles rave Aug. 1.
Representing Access FIU, Jose Sirven, president of the Residence Hall Association, will be running for president this year. His running mate is Devondra Shaw.
I think this should be introduced to the FIU community, because after all, students are the future of this nation and they should vote for the sake of their future.” Biter states.
“This is a terrible tragedy,” said Officer Navas. “This is something that should never have happened. This student could have lost his life for making a bad decision.”
Students shouted “Hey hey! Ho ho! Occupation’s got to go!” outside the Rafael Diaz-Ballart Law Building after a lecture held by UN Ambassador to Israel and FIU alumnus, Danny Danon.
“We cannot let a mental illness define a person. I don’t think an illness should dictate what your life is going to be and with NAMI, we give people the opportunity to see mental illness from another perspective.”
“I am fire and air, the rest I leave behind,” Rogan quoted from Antony and Cleopatra, in an attempt to explain how the four elements tie into love.
According to Gilman, “The images we’re showing today are very bloody and disturbing because abortion is a bloody and disturbing ending to a child’s life.”
“I have the privilege of working with FIU students since 1976,” Rosenberg said. “The quality that I admire most is their determination to succeed against all odds.”