Train for a better body and brain
It’s common knowledge that exercise is important, but exercising isn’t just for physical health; it also makes you feel happier and can melt your worries away.
It’s common knowledge that exercise is important, but exercising isn’t just for physical health; it also makes you feel happier and can melt your worries away.
It’s no real surprise that when it comes to the subject of beauty, the conversation almost always leads to some exotic, crazy concoction that originates…
It’s hot and everyone wants to hit the beach for the cool ocean waves and sun’s warm rays. Sunshine is great, but its rays? Not so much.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 44 percent of adults drink fewer than four cups of water per day, which is less than half of the recommended eight glasses per day. In some cases, water is not drunk at all. One can last for about two months without food but would die in about seven days without drinking water.
Women should be proud of their bodies, and most importantly, have dignity throughout their menstrual process.
Along with women, men should take part in breaking the taboo that surrounds menstruation. One way to start is to carry feminine hygiene products.
As final exams week looms nearer, sleep-deprived students are dozing off in library cubicles, napping on the benches or grass outside and even catching a few z’s in their cars. All-nighters are nothing short of ordinary, but the college experience is fueling a burnout culture where it’s normal, and sometimes even celebrated to forego sleep.
Through smartphones, computers, and gaming consoles, people are permanently plugged into a network of social devices, creating a culture of “connected cocooning.” However, studies have shown that with the heavy rise of technology usage comes negative effects on sleep quality, stress levels and general mental health.
However, in the recent years, a growing number of students, particularly female, have sought unconventional ways of funding their tuition. Multiple studies find that female students are using “sugar daddy” services to supplement their income and pay for their studies.
Everyone knows girls and women menstruate, so there is no reason to treat periods as dirty little secrets. Luckily, a growing number of advocates, entrepreneurs and female lawmakers are challenging the taboo and putting all cards about the subject on the table.