Editorial: Interdisciplinary studies are important
Image by boma.dfoto via Flickr Editorial Board | FIUSM opinion@fiusm.com It was a great day to be a Panther when FIU won the rights to expand…
Image by boma.dfoto via Flickr Editorial Board | FIUSM opinion@fiusm.com It was a great day to be a Panther when FIU won the rights to expand…
Dr. Cathy Akens, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students opinion@fiusm.com FIU’s “It’s on Us” Campaign is not just a banner,…
Image by via Flickr M. Jane | Concerned Citizen opinion@fiusm.com This is a satirical piece meant for entertainment purposes. Any truth or actual facts contained…
Image by Spiritual Enlightenment via Flickr Stephanie Piedrahita | Opinion Director steph.piedrahita@fiusm.com I am tired of hearing about another friend of mine getting arrested for a small…
Image by Julian Carvajal via Flickr Jennifer Blanco / Staff Writer opinion@fiusm.com The 2016 presidential election is slowly approaching and political parties are getting ready…
Image by Neon Tommy via Flickr Jessica Soler | Staff Writer opinion@fiusm.com In the world of music there is no such thing as good or bad, there…
Image by Eduardo Merille via Flickr Marilyn Figueroa | Contributing Writer opinion@fiusm.com “It’s on Us” hangs on a banner between Blue Garage and Gold…
Image by Courtney Rhodes via Flickr Meghan MacLaren | Staff Writer opinion@fiusm.com If someone asked you to look back over the past year and pick…
Image by guitarmate via Flickr Heather Wilkins | Staff Writer opinion@fiusm.com According to meat lovers everywhere, vegetarians and vegans have been protesting animal cruelty for the…
Image by L’Amico del Popolo via Flickr Lauren Shade | Staff writer lauren.shade@fiusm.com For those of you who don’t know of the tragic event that happened…