
EDITORIAL: On-campus exams inconvenient

Online courses are available for all majors of the University. Courses that require only books and an Internet connection opens up doors for a type of student who may otherwise be incapable of going to college in person.

EDITORIAL: Gun ban infringes upon basic right

Isolated examples of gun violence at universities are few and far between, but when they occur, most notably the Virginia Tech massacre that killed 32 people in 2007, they re-start conversations about restricting gun possession on college campuses.

EDITORIAL: SGC-BBC epically fails at transparency

In the interest of transparency and clarity, the Student Government Council at Biscayne Bay Campus must articulate why the impeachment of President Denise Halpin was motioned to be added to the agenda — and why it was so quickly removed only a week later. The Beacon thinks it is imperative that SGC-BBC explain the reasoning behind both decisions.

EDITORIAL: MyMajor program benefits students’ academic performance

Projected to officially launch in Fall 2012, MyMajor is a program which matches students’ goals and interests with potential majors. Furthermore, MyMajor offers students academic advising and planning. Students also gain acceptance into the school of their interest, complete with a plan the day they enter the University.

EDITORIAL: Homecoming policies prevent unity

The Beacon thinks there could have been more of an attempt made to unify Homecoming courts by the Homecoming Council. However, the council was unorganized and did not reach out to the majority of the University community. This problem was not only limited to the Homecoming Court, but also to the lack of BBC events and promotion to its students.