SGC-MMC discusses funding policies
Five religious studies students caused a stir during the Modesto A. Maidique Student Government senate meeting on Nov. 10.
Five religious studies students caused a stir during the Modesto A. Maidique Student Government senate meeting on Nov. 10.
Florida’s gubernatorial election has become the entertaining, neck-to-neck, mud-slinging race political pundits dreamed it was going to be, and it all culminated with a debate that was more notable for a fan than for its political correctness.
The Student Government Council at Modesto A. Maidique Campus Senate voted in favor of a resolution supporting University expansion during the general meeting on Oct. 20.
With an extra $100,000 in their hands, the Student Government Association has decided to put the money towards providing scholarships for students.
The Student Government Council at Modesto A. Maidique Campus Senate met to discuss the possibility of hosting forums throughout the year, which students may attend to get their questions answered by their student body representatives.
It appears that meeting attendance has become an issue for both sections of the Student Government Association, now that Summer B has begun.
The University received $10 million from the state to help move the Youth Fair, but a poll shows mixed feelings among voters.
On Monday, June 2, SGA-MMC’s senators met for the first general meeting of the semester to confirm the newly appointed executive cabinet officers.
Daniel Irigoyen, a senior civic engineering major won Student Government Association’s “Senator of the Year” award for 2013-2014 for his work with University City.
In the Senate’s last meeting of the academic year it passed its final piece of legislation 19-1: a bill supporting the University’s efforts to obtain the fairgrounds.