Lawmakers’ religious views have no place in abortion laws
Belen Sassone/ Contributing Writer When a woman makes the choice to end a pregnancy, she is never acting out of impulse or selfishness. Coming to…
Belen Sassone/ Contributing Writer When a woman makes the choice to end a pregnancy, she is never acting out of impulse or selfishness. Coming to…
“Look, if we had started laws telling men what they can and can’t do with their bodies, I am sure it would have been a different story.”
According to Gilman, “The images we’re showing today are very bloody and disturbing because abortion is a bloody and disturbing ending to a child’s life.”
Abortions will be performed whether or not they are legal. It has been proven in the past, and the black market can attest. However, if women’s reproductive rights are allowed, abortions can continue to be safe, medical procedures performed by trained, trustworthy professionals in a sanitary environment.
Catholic Panthers, in collaboration with other organizations, will be hosting an open discussion to talk about the “right to be born” and the different options available for couples.
Nearly one in three women have an abortion in their lifetime.
While most of the American population equates PP with abortions, abortions only comprise three percent of its annual services. Moreover, the organization provides 77 percent of its services to women who need contraceptives and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases and infections.
Image by Wesley Fryer via Flickr Stephanie Piedrahita | Opinion Director It’s that wonderful time of the year where pro-life activists will try to convince…
Image by Dehlia Mendenhall via Flickr Vanessa Martinez | Contributing Writer No woman should have to be held accountable for the life of a child…
Letter to the Editor: A response to “Take a stand with Sen. Wendy Davis,” by Raul Carmine Camarca.