animal research

Theatre will surprise students this fall semester

The University’s Department of Theatre will offer various performances for students to enjoy this semester. It begins with musical “Songs for a New World”, directed by Associate Professor of Theatre & Dance, Lesley Timlick, and continues with Euripides’ “Medea”, directed by Marilyn Skow, chair and artistic director of the Department of Theatre.

Theater professor plays two roles

The day had just begun and students were sipping coffee as a man in a dangling burgundy shirt, dark denim jeans, boots and a smile walks into the room.

“Swimming in the Shallows” finds love in odd places

The Department of Theatre started strong this semester with their amusing production of “Swimming in the Shallows,” a quick-moving montage that is sure to entertain students with its relatable and humorous script–which is focused on relationships and friendships– powerful monologues and funky dance intermissions.