
“Marley” is a revealing documentary on a great musician

It’s hard not to have heard of Bob Marley at least once in your life. At the very least, you’ve probably heard one of his songs. For those of you who have ever had the slightest interest in his life, the documentary titled “Marley,” is worth your time.

“Bully has good intentions, but terrible execution”

Bullying is a disturbing issue that affects people of all ages, and often those who suffer the most are left in silence. In comes the Weinstein Company, on the highest of horses, to bring the world a documentary that declares “it’s time to take a stand” as its tagline. Unfortunately, “Bully” does not even come close to offering a realistic look at bullying in the U.S.

Carano flaunts her fighting skills in “Haywire”

Sex, drugs, war, disease, crime and comedy— Steven Soderbergh has done a little of everything. His decision to leap into action has definitely been a good one, as he adeptly brings us the intensely entertaining flick, “Haywire.”

“The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” is stylish and evocative

When stepping into David Fincher’s “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,” one should be warned to leave all expectations at the door. Whether you’ve read the novel or seen the Swedish film, you’re better off being ready for a new experience instead of preparing to compare and contrast. It was a risky choice to bring a film as dark and relentless as this to American audiences, but it was a risk well worth taking.