This Is Not A Coming Out Letter
Ursula Muñoz Schaefer/Opinion Director For many people, coming out is an act of courage and the beginning of a new chapter in a life that…
Ursula Muñoz Schaefer/Opinion Director For many people, coming out is an act of courage and the beginning of a new chapter in a life that…
Staff Writer/ Laura Antunez Although the influence of the LGBTQAI+ has become more prominent and accepted, there is still a lot of work to be…
Alhi Leconte/ Staff Writer Actor Keith Powers landed himself in hot water when he made a comment that did not sit well with his LGBTQ…
Staff Writer Jennipher Schafer argues that the LGBT community has become over sexualized.
Down by as much as 16 to South Alabama, the Panthers looked outmatched in every sense of the word. Nothing was going right. Every shot they took was clanking off of the rim and every shot the Jaguars took was going straight in. They looked tired and slow. Head coach Cindy Russo says it’s the change of defense that got the Panthers going.
If most of us were put on another continent and forced to learn the language as quickly as possible, we would fail miserably. The transition would make us angry because of how different everything is. Not redshirt senior Fanni Hutlassa.