Student safety: Everything you didn’t know 
Mariantonia Mejia | Staff writer Fear for safety is not a mindset that anyone should have on a college campus. While FIU does have resources,…
Mariantonia Mejia | Staff writer Fear for safety is not a mindset that anyone should have on a college campus. While FIU does have resources,…
By: Muriel Almeida / Staff Writer Modesto Maidique Campus In-House Senator, Dominique “Rose” Ingraham, set up a small table outside of Green Library last week…
By: Muriel Almeida/Staff Writer Student Government Association’s Senator at large, Dominique ‘Rose’ Ingraham, sparked an initiative for lighting up the campus at Florida International University’s…
Katherine Wong/Contributing Writer A 21-year-old man rides on a skateboard into the establishment I’m working at. The only difference between he and I is that…
Gerard Albert and Joshua Ceballos/PantherNow Staff Sweetwater has been struck with two shootings in the past 10 days, each one dangerously close to campus, and…
Student Media was counting down the days until the University’s 2018 Annual Security and Fire Safety report was released because we knew it would be key to helping us create this week’s theme section.
By: Patricia Menendez/Contributing Writer The University’s newly released 2018 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report showed that drug arrests and drug referrals on the…
Gabriella Pinos/Staff Writer Worrying about your night-time commute is a serious concern. Whether you’re an introvert or the world’s best boxer, walking alone at night…
Living safely within a community is everyone’s responsibility, and as Panthers, we all want FIU to be the safest community it can be, but we…
David Pradere/ Contributing Writer Not too long ago, the Columbine High School massacre was surpassed by a sadistic individual named Nikolaus Cruz who had nothing…