Job security is a thing of the past
Ariana Rodriguez | Staff Writer With massive layoffs across numerous industries, it’s now a necessity for students to have backup plans for their post-graduation journey. …
Ariana Rodriguez | Staff Writer With massive layoffs across numerous industries, it’s now a necessity for students to have backup plans for their post-graduation journey. …
Amelia Orjuela Da Silva | Special to PantherNOW From Canvas to Instagram, students depend on technology to get an education, have fun, and network with…
By: Joshua Ceballos/News Director In an effort to improve graduate employment out of the University, the College of Business has created the DASH program…
Rina Factor/ Contributing Writer The career fair is quickly approaching. A variety of companies will be attending in industries ranging from government and marketing, to…
Students who ask the right questions in a job interview can determine if a company has a healthy work environment, according to a coach counselor from the University’s Career and Talent Development office.
Fabienne Fleurantin/Staff Writer Through the week of Feb. 5 – 9, the Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management, in collaboration with Panther Alumni…
Brea Jones/ Staff Writer Making the right connections in college can be harder than expected. The average lecture class has about 30 people in it….
Belen Sassone/ Contributing Writer The workload from classes and pressure from professors to excel can make college students feel like achieving a high GPA is…
FIU Student Media met with students to discuss difficulties working at a job while going to school. With many students commuting to and from school, while prioritizing their work obligations, this full plate may prevent students from enjoying extra-curricular activities on and off-campus.
On Tuesday February 11, 2014 from 11 a.m -3:00 p.m in the WUC Ballrooms at the Biscayne Bay Campus (BBC), the University Career services office will be hosting a career fair.