Successful entrepreneur gives insight to students
Although she would have never imagined a cleaning company being her dream, Kristen Hadeed is leading one of the fastest growing businesses that started because of a pair of jeans.
Although she would have never imagined a cleaning company being her dream, Kristen Hadeed is leading one of the fastest growing businesses that started because of a pair of jeans.
Discussions on SGC-MMC Elections Code Reform, Google/Youtube Censorship, and NFL Replacement Referees. Guests include Alex Castro, Mike Franklin, John Giralt, and Brandon Wise.
Following the announcement of the winning Student Government presidential ticket as Laura Farinas and Alex Castro, four grievances were filed to the Student Government Supreme Court questioning the legitimacy of the 2012 SGA presidential election.
Presidential candidate Laura Farinas and her running mate Alex Castro won the student government presidency at the Modesto Maidique campus in an election that brought out almost the second largest student voter turnout in the State University System.
With evidence of voter fraud and failure to comply with the Student Body Elections Code, presidential candidate Sanjeev Udhnani and his running mate Connor Mautner filed two court orders today to the Student Government Supreme Court questioning the legitimacy of the 2012 SGA presidential election.
With voter turnout up 44 percent of the student population, Laura Farinas and Alex Castro clinched the win for president and vice president of Student…
Disastrous, embarrassing, petty as this debate turned out, it has, on the bright side, drastically simplified the voter’s decision-making process. A candidate’s immaturity, so fundamental in matters of leadership, renders their platform irrelevant, as no plan, however wise or well-intentioned, can be carried out efficiently if the president does not know how to behave.
With the goals of “innovation, transparency and representation,” senior Laura Farinas and sophomore Alex Castro are currently running for the presidential ticket at the Modesto Maidique Student Government Council Elections of 2012.
When you care about an issue enough to get involved with organizations and other groups that share a common interest, you begin to expand your lasting social network for life that you may later need in life to make a mark on your resume and in your career.