Department of Justice

CLASS DISMISSED: Community college proven beneficial

Even with the University’s relatively low price tag of $5,678 for the average full-time student, Miami Dade College’s average full-time student only pays $3,074, according to

In essence, these students saved over $5,000 while getting equal education over a two year period.

CLASS DISMISSED: Prayer makes its way into the pep rally

As for non-believers, this law poses a threat to their rights too. Our First Amendment doesn’t just give all of us freedom to practice any religion; it also gives us freedom from practicing religion. Therefore, these students may also become marginalized, even targeted for their lack of faith.
At the very the least, they will be forced into a highly uncomfortable position should the overwhelming majority of their peers bow their heads in prayer during a required school assembly.
Granted, if any student – or teacher, for that matter – doesn’t want to take part in an assembly where spiritual content is included, they reserve the right to simply walk out.
However, in my experience, it isn’t that easy. In high school, I was subjected to a mandatory “surprise assembly” in which there was religious content that I didn’t agree with at the time.
In theory, I could have simply walked out.

CLASS DISMISSED: Budget cuts affecting public testing

Our public education is supposed to set us apart from developing nations, particularly sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, who must pay out of pocket to give their children a basic education, much to the chagrin of their underprivileged citizens.

We may have to join the ranks of these ones if we continue to foot students and their parents with the bill.

CLASS DISMISSED: School violence still a major issue

On Feb. 27, 17-year-old T.J. Lane opened fire in a cafeteria full of students at Chardon High School, killing three students and injuring two others and leaving an indelible painful mark on all who witnessed it. Interestingly, Lane wasn’t even a student at Chardon.

CLASS DISMISSED: Government losing grip on education

With this freedom, they can concentrate their education dollars, as scant as they may be, on issues relevant to their state’s educational system.
Also, by allowing the states the power to tailor their educational standards to the needs of the students within their borders, they will cease with this one-size-fits-all nonsense.

CLASS DISMISSED: Web-based sex education worthwhile

While some students are genuinely looking for factual information, others are turning to pornography, Wikipedia and other unreliable, unrealistic portrayals of sexual behavior. In general, when students take to the Internet to find out more about sexual health, they are subject to misinformation distributed by unqualified sources.To alleviate the latter issue, colleges and universities should consider creating scholarly sex ed websites for their students.