Florida’s population growth can have direct effect on students
Florida will surpass New York in population and this growth is driven by youth, creating competition for students in both resources and the job market.
Florida will surpass New York in population and this growth is driven by youth, creating competition for students in both resources and the job market.
We had hoped at the meeting we could put a face on the man who is president of our university. We formally wanted to discuss recent events on campus and off-campus which have affected conditions at the university.
Staff writer Junette Reyes believes the interaction between Occupy FIU and FIU Police showed lack of cooperation.
When they approached en mass (November 16, 2011), four to our seven, you can imagine the element of intimidation that was in play. No tents, sleeping, or staying past 9pm-8am, the police said. These arbitrary rules created with no written documentation to follow up their claims validity, were observed as a courtesy by the Occupy crew at FIU, though mediation with the General Counsel was required just to get a tent up as a protest symbol. The very idea of limiting the terms of free speech to a zone, then further limiting its parameters to a time frame is repugnant. These practices are of a subversive nature and should not be tolerated by the student body. In protest perhaps everyone conducting activities at FIU should use the word Occupy before their event to witness first hand the prejudice involved by the word alone.
We understand that FIU is still a young university that lacks a lengthy history of campus activism. It is learning how to react to a new generation of students who are witnessing a unique social movement in other cities and university campuses that does not seem to be stopping anytime soon. We all need to get use to the soapbox. But let’s make sure it’s okay to stand on it first.