E-textbooks are superior to physical textbooks in every way
Maria Duque/Contributing Writer College textbooks are infamously expensive, often costing one or two hundred dollars for the latest editions. They’re heavy and they use an…
Maria Duque/Contributing Writer College textbooks are infamously expensive, often costing one or two hundred dollars for the latest editions. They’re heavy and they use an…
Due to my major, living situation and the lack of dorms at BBC, I must commute using the Golden Panther Express four days a week. With each round trip costing $5, I easily spend $20 a week just to get to my classes.
Image by Truman L via Flickr Jessica Soler | Contributing Writer opinion@fiusm.com The first two years of college should be reevaluated in order to…
Image by FIU College of Business via Flickr Kieron Williams | Staff Writer opinion@fiusm.com When I start thinking about graduation at the end of…