Panthers beware of identity theft
The Federal Trade Commission reported South Florida as the number one Metropolitan area in the nation for identity theft and identity fraud in the last two years.
The Federal Trade Commission reported South Florida as the number one Metropolitan area in the nation for identity theft and identity fraud in the last two years.
“Student Government in general, and its elections in particular, are fundamentally broken. It’s a ship with several captains and a lot of holes.”
A pretty brazen criminal can strike in any of these areas and disappear in the nature preserve, coming out on the other side.
Its proximity to high traffic areas would also test the response time of the University’s police. A criminal operating in this area could strike and get away very quickly.
The act of accepting that information is an agreement. Storing my information and using it to make things like registering for classes easier for all parties gives the University a responsibility to protect it.
A crazy one. A misfit. A rebel. A troublemaker. These are qualities that make up a visionary.