
Feminism: Power, not truth

Staff writer Alexander Suarez suggests that current generations receive the reactionary feminist spirit of former generations without question, which he thinks isn’t always a good thing.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: SCG-MMC President clarifies writ

On March 20, SGC-MMC Presidential candidate Samir Kiran Patel submitted, and The Beacon published a Letter to the Editor, entitled “SGC-MMC Presidential Hopeful feels wrongly accused.

The intention of the Writ is to address issues of violations of SGC-MMC, university and state policy.

As Student Body President and Student Trustee, Mr. O’Keefe is obligated to do all that he can to preserve the integrity and legitimacy of SGC-MMC and the larger SGA.

University Wide Council distributes additional A&S funds

After an increase of 3.5 percent in the Activity & Service Fee, the U-Wide Council reconvened on March 8 to allocate additional funds to several campus organizations. The council deliberated on an additional amount of about $1.5 million.