Fit trumps trend when dressing for your body type
It’s hard to come to terms with the fact that the things you’re attracted to aren’t what look best on you.
It’s hard to come to terms with the fact that the things you’re attracted to aren’t what look best on you.
I love the brief winters we have in South Florida because I get to break out the boots and blazers that have been lurking in the back of my closet for months. For most of the year, I live in shorts and tank tops, but for a few weeks (or months, if we are lucky) I can wear layers and pretend like I live in the northeast.
“My dream role is to play the bad guy,” said Gustavo Dapiaggi, who is graduating with a BA in theater. Covered in tattoos and dressed to the nines, Dapiaggi looks like he fits the part.
I picked up a few things a little more frantically than I needed to and calculated how much I would save. I would have a saved a lot, but while waiting in line for the dressing room I looked down at the things I was holding and decided it was not worth it.
I abhor the term “recessionista.” I do not know who coined it, but the insensitive term used in magazines is not a marketing technique I will ever fall for. Magazine editors only use it because it appeals to the guilty consciences of the top one percent.
As the official DJ for the Miami Heat, former University student DJ Irie will never forget his roots.
But the truth is make up is not my best friend. Actually, I may be allergic to the stuff. Maybe it is because my mother never taught me anything about applying it while I was growing up, but that has not stopped my sister from dropping major bucks on products.
Remember when I said to cut down on fashion blogs to avoid fruitless spending? I couldn’t do it. In order to survive without hitting the stores, I have needed some outfit inspiration. The best way to do this is by observing bloggers’ style. I look at many blogs daily, ranging from fashion photography to beauty. It seems like there are millions of them out there, some better than others. Here are some of my “real girl” favorites.
After quickly developing a following on Facebook, three men donning morph suits and Guy Fawkes masks can now be spotted on campus and sporting events as the “faces” for the group.
Fashion lovers are materialistic. Do not let them tell you otherwise. I sometimes disgust myself with all the purchases I make or needless objects I lust over. After all, I could be dedicating my time and money to something a little more virtuous.