Friends of wine

Haute Topic: Last minute Halloween costumes inspired by fashion

There is nothing as frightening as a visit to a costume shop looking for a Halloween costume with no idea what you are looking for. Instead of shelling out $60 on a promiscuous-looking sailor outfit that you will probably never wear again, try something a little more fashion inspired. Here are a few ideas for costumes that you can put together the days before Halloween weekend.

Haute Topic: Vogue is uninspiring and out of touch

When I was younger, I used to think fashion magazines were my bible. Everything on the glossy pages of Vogue were utter perfection, from the ads to the editorials. I still love flipping through the pages of magazines, but it is becoming more and more rare that I purchase one. I hate to take a serious tone when writing about fashion when it should be a lighthearted topic, but lately I have really been hating American Vogue.

Haute Topic: Traveling light is not always so easy

I will admit that I am a chronic overpacker. Over the summer, I traveled overseas with just one bag. I thought I was such a savvy traveler because I had planned out almost every outfit for the whole time I was on vacation; I even left room for purchases.

Exclusive interview with the Wayans Brothers

Comedians can seldom keep their mouths shut, and we rarely want them to. Brothers and comedy duo Shawn and Marlon Wayans did not keep quiet when they performed at this year’s Panther Prowl at the U.S. Century Bank Arena on Sept. 26, and the interactive and vibrant crowd loved it.