Best of 2013: Movies
Staff writer Martell Harding gives his top 5 movies of 2013.
Staff writer Martell Harding gives his top 5 movies of 2013.
While addiction to tobacco is clearly unhealthy, we respect a person’s choice to do what is legally within rights to their body. Residential students or faculty and staff that spend the day on any campus still find a way to smoke, and not providing them with any place to dispose or smoke their cigarettes simply increases pollution.
We are not suggesting a reversal on the ban, but encouraging the development of a formal sanction of regulations. Until then, perhaps the signs in front of every doorway should read, “kind of a smoke free campus.”
Staff writer Junette Reyes believes the interaction between Occupy FIU and FIU Police showed lack of cooperation.
When they approached en mass (November 16, 2011), four to our seven, you can imagine the element of intimidation that was in play. No tents, sleeping, or staying past 9pm-8am, the police said. These arbitrary rules created with no written documentation to follow up their claims validity, were observed as a courtesy by the Occupy crew at FIU, though mediation with the General Counsel was required just to get a tent up as a protest symbol. The very idea of limiting the terms of free speech to a zone, then further limiting its parameters to a time frame is repugnant. These practices are of a subversive nature and should not be tolerated by the student body. In protest perhaps everyone conducting activities at FIU should use the word Occupy before their event to witness first hand the prejudice involved by the word alone.
Staff writer Junette Reyes believes the new smoking ban needs revision.