ISC promotes diversity and multiculturalism
Isabell Vasquez/ Contributing Writer With more than 3,500 international students from over 140 countries, FIU has granted us with the world at our fingertips. The…
Isabell Vasquez/ Contributing Writer With more than 3,500 international students from over 140 countries, FIU has granted us with the world at our fingertips. The…
Isabell Vasquez/ Contributing Writer Millennials are said to be the spoiled generation who need to grow up. But what some people don’t know is that…
Isabell Vasquez/ Contributing Writer The term “b****” is no stranger in today’s language. The transformation of the term is creating a movement, turning something negative…
Isabell Vasquez/Contributing Writer While the body-positivity movement is a breath of fresh air, it’s a reminder to all women that they should be proud of…
Isabell Vasquez/ Contributing Writer The 21st century has opened up doors for women; we are taking over male dominated positions little by little and making…
Isabell Vasquez/ Contributing Writer Once graduation day comes, nothing else matters except trying to avoid falling off the stage and getting your hands on that…