Bill banning mandatory GMO labeling limits consumers’ rights
Maytinee Kramer / Contributing Writer We all have a right to know what goes into our food and how it’s been produced, and…
Maytinee Kramer / Contributing Writer We all have a right to know what goes into our food and how it’s been produced, and…
“What the state legislature provided was two types of increases: An across-the-board $1,400 increase for anyone who makes $40,000 or less, or $1,000 if one earns more than $40,000,” said Cuesta-Gomez, director of Employee and Labor Relations. “The other is a bonus that’s [going] to be paid in June 2014 and that is a merit bonus.“
Letter to the Editor: A response to “Take a stand with Sen. Wendy Davis,” by Raul Carmine Camarca.
A Florida Senate bill to make the student member of the Florida Board of Governors a position appointed by the governor was approved by a higher education committee on Feb. 9.
Darkness falls upon Glen Hubert Library