liberal arts

Students and faculty not concerned with marketability of liberal arts degrees

From 2009-2010, about 3 percent of students in the United States graduated with a degree in liberal arts while the same statistics showed a business degree was the most popular. At the University, the most popular major remains business, accounting for 35 percent of all degrees conferred between 2011-2012. Noble Cook, a professor of history, dismisses the possibility of concern for liberal arts students, however.

Political agendas sacrifice environment

The EPA is the branch of the government dedicated to regulating industrial activity to ensure that the most eco-friendly measures are taken. Developed during Richard Nixon’s presidency, the EPA has been greatly responsible for the passing of environmental legislation that has kept most of the U.S. clean and safe for the last 40 years

Obama going soft in hopes of successful re-election

On Sept. 2, the Obama administration declared that it was stepping down on its proposal to implement stricter clean air regulations, stating that “the commitment of [the] administration to protecting public health and the environment is unwavering” – as long as the right-wing agrees with it, of course.