University adds temporary parking to ease traffic
The first two weeks of the fall semester is the most difficult time to find parking, and the University hopes that adding temporary spaces will relieve traffic at Modesto Maidique Campus.
The first two weeks of the fall semester is the most difficult time to find parking, and the University hopes that adding temporary spaces will relieve traffic at Modesto Maidique Campus.
The Office of Sustainability said it wants to work to improve the parking situation starting with Parking Garage 5, but Director of Parking and Transportation Lissette Hernandez said the department’s main concern right now is the construction of Parking Garage 6.
President Mark B. Rosenberg remained optimistic about University partnerships and improving under the Board of Governors’ performance funding model on Monday at the Biscayne Bay Campus town hall meeting where he also addressed the need for more parking and extended dining hours.
First-week madness may leave University-goers in a scramble to find parking, but the Office of Parking and Transportation is offering over 2,700 additional parking spaces through January 10.
Parking Garage Six is planned for construction west of Red Parking Garage, and set to open August 2015.