Millennials’ guide to getting educated on veganism
Nelida Insua-Coelho/Contributing Writer If there’s one cause that has benefited from social media and the technological revolution, it’s veganism. Undercover videos, access to recipes and…
Nelida Insua-Coelho/Contributing Writer If there’s one cause that has benefited from social media and the technological revolution, it’s veganism. Undercover videos, access to recipes and…
Milagros Viquez/Assistant Entertainment Director Isabela Vanga/Contributing Writer Although there are hundreds of restaurants located within a few square miles from any given residential area in…
Students and employees might be hesitant to share any part of their online life with the people that only see them in a professional setting, but career coaches say otherwise.
The relationship society has developed with visual forms of communication arises from the onset of increasing access to technology over the last century; however, it is a relationship that had its genesis ages ago, according to a professor.
Ashley Weathers/ Contributing Writer Over the last decade, technology has reshaped world communication and access to information. Millennials are defined as a “person born in…
Millennials today are generally more educated than prior generations and are the largest group employed in the U.S. economy, yet they’re currently facing a more difficult economic situation than their own parents did, according to the chairman of the University’s Economics department.
The word “millennial,” even to those who identify as one, carries stereotypes like entitled and lazy. Baby boomers and millennials are regularly pitted against one…
By Brett Shweky/Sports Director Traditional sports-media coverage is rapidly altering into a millennial-driven industry. Media outlets are trending toward content that appeases well to…
Fabienne Fleurantin/ Staff Writer Lazy, self-absorbed, entitled and impatient. These are just some of the many titles millennials are given by older generations. The list…
Brea Jones/ Contributing Writer From Applebee’s to napkins, millennials have been accused of killing several different items and the list keeps on growing. There are…