Maidique and panelists to teach students how to ‘thrive’
By: Irina Barneda/Contributing Writer Business leaders, public servants and the former president of our University are all gathering together for one purpose this week:…
By: Irina Barneda/Contributing Writer Business leaders, public servants and the former president of our University are all gathering together for one purpose this week:…
By: Joshua Ceballos/News Director The University’s Board of Trustees will not change the name of the Modesto Maidique Campus — at least not yet….
By: Joshua Ceballos/News Director The Modesto Maidique Campus may not hold its name for very long if some members of the Board of Trustees get…
Successful leaders need three things: Judgement, persuasion and grit, said former University President Modesto Maidique.
For a man like Maidique who sat at the head of our University for 23 years ― a university which prides itself in its large minority enrollment and community ― there seems to be a disconnect from the young faces who fit the profiles of the minorities Trump has unfailingly berated.
In an op-ed submitted to the Miami Herald by former FIU president and business professor, Modesto Maidique, FIU’s image and its FIUBeyondPossible2020 strategy were looked at with a critical eye. Maidique urged the University to “take the painful step of reducing freshmen enrollment or forget becoming a strong research university.”
University members only had kind words to say about Provost and Executive Vice President Douglas Wartzok — knowledgeable, inspirational, tireless, a leader.
Gadgeteers wobble their way across campus hallways, trusting their peripheral vision to take them to class, the food court and even their car safely.
According to a recent study by the journal Accident Analysis and Prevention, over 1,500 pedestrians across the country have found themselves in an emergency room from simultaneously walking and using their cellphones.
FIU Student Health Services will begin offering free vaccinations on Sept. 9 at both Modesto Maidique and Biscayne Bay campuses, a cheaper rate than the $16 charge in previous years. The free vaccine will continue to be offered while supplies last.
I have waited to write an article about America’s wars because, quite frankly, I was waiting for the United States to start invading another sovereign airspace without a formal declaration of war to make the issue relevant.