Men Belong In The Issue of Abortion
Denitsa Raichkova/Staff Writer The debate around abortion rights has recently been reignited by the Texas Heartbeat Bill. Does a woman have the right to terminate…
Denitsa Raichkova/Staff Writer The debate around abortion rights has recently been reignited by the Texas Heartbeat Bill. Does a woman have the right to terminate…
Julia Gomez/Assistant Opinion Director Florida filed a heartbeat bill like the one in Texas. It prevents people from getting an abortion after they’re six weeks…
Ernesto Antunez/Contributing Writer As the dividing issue of abortion continues to intensify with a litany of legislative affronts to Roe v. Wade, people everywhere are…
Gabriella Pinos/Opinion Director The notion that all life is sacred apparently doesn’t apply to women in America. Even though the U.S. Supreme Court declared that…
Caroline Lozano/Opinion Director Last week, comedian Michelle Wolf made controversy when she joked about abortion in a segment on her Netflix comedy show, “The Break.”…
“Look, if we had started laws telling men what they can and can’t do with their bodies, I am sure it would have been a different story.”
Victory has been seized once again in a historic 5 to 3 court ruling, where the Supreme Court rejected a Texas law that made women’s access to abortion clinics unnecessarily difficult
Image by Wesley Fryer via Flickr Stephanie Piedrahita | Opinion Director It’s that wonderful time of the year where pro-life activists will try to convince…
Image by Dehlia Mendenhall via Flickr Vanessa Martinez | Contributing Writer No woman should have to be held accountable for the life of a child…
A comprehensive sex education should be provided for teens as they will be better off knowing something, as opposed to suggesting that abstinence is the only way to prevent pregnancies, or that help will only be available once pregnant.