UCLA Doctor Discusses Racial Disparities in Children’s Mental Health Care
Gabriela Danger | Assistant News Director Dr. Anna Lau of the University of California, Los Angeles, came on Mar. 8 to give a talk about…
Gabriela Danger | Assistant News Director Dr. Anna Lau of the University of California, Los Angeles, came on Mar. 8 to give a talk about…
By: Patricia Menendez/Assistant News Director The University’s Bystander Leadership Program has entered its second semester of workshops that aim to educate STEM and Social…
Gillian Daley/ Contributing Writer Race and the United States have been at odds since before the colonies joined together to form this nation. The United…
Cultural appreciation occurs when the person makes an effort to learn about and respect a certain culture, as opposed to simply taking bits and pieces of the culture that appeal to them. Unfortunately, many people are appropriating cultures when they should be appreciating them.
Image by Rhonda Berglas via Flickr Meghan Maclaren | Contributing Writer opinion@fiusm.com Rest in peace to the three Muslim students shot dead near Chapel Hill, North Carolina…
By Katrina Velez Contributing Writer As a cultural statement, “Dear White People” speaks volumes. Set in Winchester University, a fictional Ivy League, the film derives…
Image by The All-Nite Images via Flickr Alexandra Nguyen |Contributing Writer opinion@fiusm.com If Michael Brown and Eric Garner’s deaths and the failure to indict the officers who…
Staff Writer Kieron Williams writes about internal racism amongst blacks.
The Latin American and Caribbean Center is celebrating its 35th anniversary with Peru’s former president Alan Garcia who will sign an agreement with President Mark B. Rosenberg to open up student exchange and study abroad programs between a Peruvian university and FIU.
“(1)ne Drop: Shifting the Lens on Race,” published on Nov. 28, 2013, is a combination of written biographies and photographs that investigate the lived experiences of people who identify as Black or have their “blackness” questioned.