Lawmakers’ religious views have no place in abortion laws
Belen Sassone/ Contributing Writer When a woman makes the choice to end a pregnancy, she is never acting out of impulse or selfishness. Coming to…
Belen Sassone/ Contributing Writer When a woman makes the choice to end a pregnancy, she is never acting out of impulse or selfishness. Coming to…
Barbara Carbonell/Contributing Writer Religion serves a multitude of purposes in society, and these beliefs often mean different things to different people. To some, they serve…
The United States was founded on the separation of church and state. But there has been an age-long struggle with the application of dividing the…
Although sex sells in the United States when it comes to celebrities and models, it’s almost frowned upon in regards to the average person.
Our world is submerged in sacred messages, debates and symbols. Religion is the way we humans – as dwellers of the earth – rationalize the vertical, unexplainable forces of our world.
Today, we live in an age where science, politics and religious pursuit continue to live alongside each other. This has proven to be a dangerous mix, especially with so many opinions of what is right and what is wrong.
Wedding bells ring in court hearings rather than harmony this summer as a Colorado judge rules a bakery guilty of discrimination after refusing to cater a same-sex wedding.
To have the most well-known and powerful religious figure in the world not just accept the science on climate change, but also find it necessary to let all of his followers know about it is unprecedented. If the most religious person in the world can understand that science and religion do not have to be polar opposites from each other, than how can we not?
Image by zakir hossain chowdhury “protest at Dhaka after death of US blogger Avijit Roy” via Flickr UPDATE: The Secular Student Alliance will be hosting…
Image by m-alo via Flickr Jennifer Blanco | Contributing Writer President Barack Obama directed the nation and millions around the world this week…