
Donald Trump won because of Trump Democrats

Donald J. Trump’s name can now be placed at the tail end of a list that includes Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The former host of “The Apprentice” will soon feature alongside the Great Emancipator and the vanquisher of fascism. For shame.

GOP debate proves that Trump is inescapable

From gun toting government and minority fearing survivalists to libertarians seeking a neo-Gilded Age, to gung-ho pro-lifers to rationally clueless ivy league investment and security industry types, to the Cubans who tremble with rage if it smells even a little bit like Castro, I have met many Republicans throughout the course of my life. In the politics of 2016, I’ve observed three convictions that unite them: an unwavering if inconsistent fear of big government, a deep obsessive hatred towards Barack Obama and the notion that Donald Trump must absolutely not be the GOP nominee.