Winter break is here, now what?
Stephanie Venedicto | Contributing Writer The semester has come to an end, what a relief. But what do we do with all this free time?…
Stephanie Venedicto | Contributing Writer The semester has come to an end, what a relief. But what do we do with all this free time?…
Kailey Krantz | Staff Writer It’s known that getting the right amount of sleep improves your mental health and your academic performance. So why is…
As part of a grant from student tech fees, FIU’s Glenn Hubert Library installed an EnergyPod by Metronaps in October 2017. After noticing impromptu naps in the library, they wanted to develop a space to rest comfortably and efficiently with a little help from technology.
Most students have sacrificed homework for sports, student organizations or a social life. Other times, it’s the exact opposite; simple pleasures like family time and exercising are sacrificed for academic success. But, what time do students have to unwind and take care of themselves?
Students feel the pressure rising with finals week just around the corner, the University is combatting unhealthy study habits with Recharge for Finals.
Students who put off sleep to cram for an exam may also be losing brain cells, according to a recent study published in The Journal of Neuroscience.
Researchers of the University of Pennsylvania found that mice experiencing extended wakefulness had a decline in locus ceruleus neurons, which are responsible for alertness, suggesting humans who stay up for long periods of time may be subjects to permanent brain cell damage.
“When you don’t sleep enough you deplete neurotransmitters,” said Dr. Liane Dornheim, staff psychologist for Counseling and Psychological Services, who specializes in Neuropsychology.
Ashley Valentin/Contributing Writer I’m always sleepy. Like many of you, I spend my nights either Netflixing, partying, video gaming, or studying for that exam…
The last thing I want to see on a Friday morning is you getting it on in your car in a crowded parking lot.