Men’s mental health shouldn’t be ignored
Kailey Krantz | Staff Writer Our mental health is just as important as our physical health, so why do men neglect it? No matter what…
Kailey Krantz | Staff Writer Our mental health is just as important as our physical health, so why do men neglect it? No matter what…
Rina Factor/ Contributing Writer There are many people who dismiss the arts as insignificant with no lasting impact in comparison to technologies that revolutionize the…
We waited impatiently to be in high school, then to become legal adults, graduate and go on to a university. Now we’re impatient to be 21, to get an internship as early as possible, graduate as quickly as we can then find a job that will lead to another job. It never stops.
Image by nikki.jane via Flickr Michelle Marchante | Staff Writer Looking at movies today, the most basic classification you can use to define films…
Image by brohansolo via Flickr Sam Smith | Staff Writer I am a nerd. Because you are reading this, you are probably a nerd. It’s…
Image by zakir hossain chowdhury “protest at Dhaka after death of US blogger Avijit Roy” via Flickr UPDATE: The Secular Student Alliance will be hosting…
A fun fact about columnist Cristina Garcia: She loves vulvas.
“(1)ne Drop: Shifting the Lens on Race,” published on Nov. 28, 2013, is a combination of written biographies and photographs that investigate the lived experiences of people who identify as Black or have their “blackness” questioned.
The second annual TEDxFIU was hosted this past Thursday to an audience of about 500 people who reimagined what they thought was possible.
Contributing writer Constanza Gallardo is concerned about society’s expectations of the modern-day woman and feels that there is an overwhelming pressure to balance all aspects of a woman’s life.