
Sigma Phi Epsilon breaks records

The Florida Nu Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon here at Florida International University recently broke all their previous records by donating twelve thousand dollars to the Buoniconti Fund, a foundation with a focus to cure paralysis.

ODK continues to prosper

Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society, was founded Dec. 3, 1914 at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia by 15 student and faculty leaders.

Prosper in Greek

Last week marked the beginning of Recruitment, or “rush week,” for many fraternities in hopes of finding new members to expand their respective organizations and continue in process to become a brother. Spring recruitment is in full swing and FIUSM had the opportunity to sit down with different fraternity men to talk about the importance of Greek life, why they decided to go through recruitment and how it positively impacts those who make it through the process.

Sitdown with Flight Williams from Outta This World

In collaboration with WRGP Radiate FM’s radio program titled Local Radiation, FIU Student Media has had the chance to previously sit down and interview artist Smurphio from the local electronic funk band known as Afrobeta. This time, FIU Student Media got to sit down with Flight Williams, a local artist involved in the hip-hop scene of Miami.