“Solo: A Star Wars Story” fails to uphold “Star Wars” magic
Erik Jimenez/Staff Writer If coming a mere five months after the heavily divisive “The Last Jedi” wasn’t bad enough for “Solo: A Star Wars Story,”…
Erik Jimenez/Staff Writer If coming a mere five months after the heavily divisive “The Last Jedi” wasn’t bad enough for “Solo: A Star Wars Story,”…
By Damian Gordon “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” is perhaps the most emotionally driven entry yet, held back by shortcomings that damage an otherwise stellar…
Standing on its own with solid storytelling, characters and visuals while expertly connecting it to previous storylines, “Rogue One” is a great way to end the year and an even better way to spend Friday night.
Collin Simpson/Books and Books Magic City Comic-Con brought three days of entertainment and learning to lovers of film, comic books, and video games. From Jan….
Seeing the “A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away . . . “ title card explode alongside the first chord from composer John Williams’ legendary theme hits you with the impact of a freight train crashing into a wall. It’s almost magical. It’s 1977 all over again and that is precisely the movie’s biggest problem.
Disney’s wildly popular video game franchise “Disney Infinity” traveled to a galaxy far, far away just last year with their third major update, promising a playset – essentially the equivalent to an actual video game with story modes containing six hours of gameplay – for “The Force Awakens.”
Turn off all caps and set aside those pitchforks, the movie is good, but it just borrows heavily from past entries and relies more on a nostalgia trip for quality.
Maybe these fans should be less worried about how a character looks and more about how good the actual film will be.
By Madari Pendas Staff Writer Writer of the “Star Wars” novels Peter S. Kemp has written Moff Mors, an imperial leader who happens to be…