Heart Home: exploring my roots through FIU’s study abroad
Vittorio Parravano | Guest writer My grandmother died at the age of 88. Born and raised in Rome, she spoke broken Spanish which got worse…
Vittorio Parravano | Guest writer My grandmother died at the age of 88. Born and raised in Rome, she spoke broken Spanish which got worse…
Pots clanging, cars honking, flags waving, people screaming — I can still remember the celebratory sights that filled the streets in Miami when the news came that Fidel Castro, Cuba’s communist dictator, was dead.
By: Anna Radinsky/Staff Writer The Career and Talent Development office at the Biscayne Bay Campus said that as students get closer to graduation, they…
“It was one of the best experiences in my life. I now have a Colombian family and they might even come to my graduation,”
On far too many occasions I’ve written about uncontroversial topics like race relations, Donald Trump, or the civil war in Syria. I think it’s about time that I tackle a truly difficult question: what are the best things to do during spring break?
New positions available in the Spanish public school system for those interested in teaching English and/or French to students from Kindergarten to 12th grade.
Evelyn Hernandez, a senior special education major, traveled 1,195 miles for a chance to see Pope Francis in the flesh.
The David is the greatest sculpture ever made by a human being. And, in case you didn’t know, it was sculpted by Michelangelo. After this piece (and this is my opinion), everything else is kind of a detail. Important, but less amazing.
I love Rome. My feet are killing me but I still love Rome.
In other news, class starts tomorrow and I’m BEYOND excited!