FIU’s Union Faculty of Florida – what lies ahead?
Helen Capote | Contributing Writer Amid the several controversies involving Florida’s Board of Trustees, members of the FIU chapter of the United Faculty of Florida…
Helen Capote | Contributing Writer Amid the several controversies involving Florida’s Board of Trustees, members of the FIU chapter of the United Faculty of Florida…
Kailey Krantz | Staff Writer FIU students are sent out to join the workforce after graduation and while they are settling into the career of…
Elise Gregg | Editor-in-Chief In the midst of a slew of state legislation impacting higher education, the Florida Education Association and United Faculty of Florida…
The Mizzou players reasoned that if their university and its power structure wasn’t going to respect black bodies and black identities, then they could also do without the black labor that was keeping the entire thing running.
According to the Florida Board of Governors, tuition for in-state students was $117.67 per credit hour in 2010. However, FIU’s own admissions website reports that tuition is now $205.57 per credit hour.
Wedding bells ring in court hearings rather than harmony this summer as a Colorado judge rules a bakery guilty of discrimination after refusing to cater a same-sex wedding.
“What the state legislature provided was two types of increases: An across-the-board $1,400 increase for anyone who makes $40,000 or less, or $1,000 if one earns more than $40,000,” said Cuesta-Gomez, director of Employee and Labor Relations. “The other is a bonus that’s [going] to be paid in June 2014 and that is a merit bonus.“
Students paint a Yagua Tribe mural in the Graham Center Art Gallery.