The return of the brat prince
Staff writer Jennipher Schafer talks about the return of the brat prince, Lestat de Lioncourt.
Staff writer Jennipher Schafer talks about the return of the brat prince, Lestat de Lioncourt.
Staff writer Giovanni Garcia discusses the entity know as the “vampire” student.
This sudden desire to charge customers is not unwarranted, though. On Oct. 1, The Federal Reserve implemented a rule, which limits fees that card networks charge merchants to 21 cents per transaction — about half the average that retailers have paid in the past. In response to this new rule, banks are trying to make up some of the $8 billion they stand to lose. To banks, this is a solution to their loss – for customers like us, this is a new problem.
Every day, people give away their privacy in return for the use of the latest gadgets and conveniences, often without even knowing it.
Data mining is a relatively new marketing tactic made possible by the vast infiltration of electronics in our lives. Little do people know, or maybe they do know but just do not care, that many electronics we use on a daily basis are recording our activities and purchases and storing them into databases indefinitely. Sacrificing privacy for shopping convenience and a personalized web page is not worth it.
The combination of my experiences with my first year in college and my time working at Cracker Barrel Restaurant for the past seven months have revealed an interesting and potentially problematic phenomenon: the distraction that technology provides from social interaction. In this digital age, it is far too easy to be pulled into the world of cyberspace where every mundane interest can be satisfied with basic skills of the Internet.
By: Katrina Bruno/Staff Writer Minimum wage jobs, student loans and personal expenses are making daily finances nearly unbearable for college students, including myself. According to…