Winners and Losers

By: [no author name found]

FIU Graduates: After four years of studying, late nights, headaches and dealing with difficult people, you can now go on to a whole new set of headaches, late nights and difficult people. Congrats guys!

FIU Cram Jam: Thanks for providing us with food and a welcome break from our studies. Although, next year, maybe we should consider adding some Barcardi to the coffee. Just a suggestion.

S.A.V.E. Dade: Kudos for trying to keep the issue of allowing discrimination in housing off our ballots. The sad part is that the issue made it to the preliminary ballots in the first place. For such a diverse city, it’s amazing how narrow-minded we can often be.


Ally McBeal: After several seasons of making us doubt your sanity, you’ve only four more episodes left. Rest assured the dancing baby will live on nightmarishly in our hearts.

Colin Powell: While we recognize it was a tall order, the fact is your mid-east peace talks failed. Take heart: in general, many of us still thank the heavens we have you to keep Dubya from nuking us all.

The Scorpion King: Who knew a spin-off movie starring The Rock could be stupid? Geez, what does it take to please audiences these days? Next thing you know, people might actually start to demand intellectual stimulation – Nah.

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