Tuition tracker: Low-income students suffering most
According to, sticker price is rising and so has the net price for low-income students, who are receiving less aid.
According to, sticker price is rising and so has the net price for low-income students, who are receiving less aid.
The University’s English degree was deemed the second biggest waste of money by The Atlantic, but the department is defending the major.
The number of people investing in Florida Prepaid dropped 30 percent during this season’s open-enrollment period. The reason? Prices.
Gov. Rick Scott is pushing legislators to remove Florida’s tuition differential law that allows universities to increase the cost up to 15 percent each year.
A $1 trillion student debt looms over economy.
Lawmakers are trying to pass a Florida Prepaid reform bill that would save families who enroll a newborn almost a hundred dollars a month and refund $50 million to 26 thousand families.
Despite the doors that have been opened by the tuition waiver for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals students, the battle for tuition equity is still being fought.
Some students think minimum wage isn’t enough, but an economics professor thinks otherwise.
For some students, college life consists of beer pong, gym time and lectures, but what about the students with live-in extracurricular activities, i.e., children?
While a six-figure debt looms over the nation’s law students, FIU’s College of Law was recently graded a B+ as a best value law school by The National Jurist.