Candidates deliver platforms at BBC debate

By: Adrienne Celaya / Contributing Writer
SGA candidates took their places on the podium at the “Meet the Candidates” debate, although few students were willing to listen.

On March 27 the Biscayne Bay Campus’ Student Government Association officially presented next year’s potential student government officials at a debate at Wolfe University Center’s Panther Square. As an incentive, free pizza was given out after the event, though many students were already in line 20 minutes into the hour-long program. Students were on hand to witness their potential Student Government Council leaders but many solely came for the pizza.

After the candidates stepped up and gave their speech, Assistant Director of Campus Life and Orientation Rafael Zapata asked alternating questions relating to school spirit, their future agendas, and personal characteristics.

There are four candidates running for the two lower division representative positions this year, and only two out of the four opted to attend the debate.

Current Lower Division Representative Clayton “Hank” Schramm began his campaign speech with a list of some of the things he had done during the 2001-2002 year. This included visiting freshman classes to hear the opinions of new students, Schramm is also active in the International Student Committee, Campus Life and Finance Committee, and is also the acting Student Services chair.

“What distinguishes me from the other candidates is my experience, character and integrity,” Schramm said.

Mfonobong Essiet said SGC needs a strong, assertive voice to answer the needs of the student body and make the undergraduate students stand out.

Essiet said that her involvement in the Student Council Internship Program and Panther Power would make her a more approachable lower division representative.

If elected, one of her main priorities would be to increase school spirit.

“I want more pep rallies and sporting events. Many of the students here like to play sports, but there aren’t any activities available,” Essiet said.
Carmen Gonzalez and Lissette Hernandez are also running for the lower division representative position, but did not attend the debate.

Incumbent SGC President Adrian Carter is once again in the running, except this time he’s uncontested. Carter started out the year as Vice President under Tito Omaghomi and became president when Omaghomi was diqualified from holding office.

At the debate Carter said the four key attributes a president needs are diligence, love, loyalty, and sincerity. All of which he said he possesses and have increased within the past year.

Carter said he wants to continue his role as president because he wants to finish what he started.

“We’ve implemented some new things and want to make sure they stay intact. I want to create consistency within our organization,” Carter said.

Carter’s 2002-2003 agenda includes more media coverage at BBC, an increase in student relaxation, and research through surveys. He said surveys would let the SGC know what is on students’ minds.

SGC Vice President Angel Garcia will not run for another term due to fall graduation. Instead, candidate Alexander S. Lewy will take on his role for the 2002-2003 year. Lewy does not have competition.

As the current Campus Life Chair, Lewy said he has helped visually enhance the appearance of BBC and actively supported campus events.

“Most students come to this campus, go to class, and then go back home,” Lewy said. “I propose to unite this council and bring all of our energies together to bring students what they want. I want students to go to class and want to stay here, not return home right after.”

Due to the lack of contested positions and the absence of some of the candidates there was no debate.

When the candidates had finished speaking, Carter answered questions from two students concerned with the lack of printed syllabi and the closing of the games room.

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