Religious blindness, fanaticism endangers society

By: Andrea Martini
I would like to begin by clearly stating that my intentions are not to offend or attack anybody, but since I will discuss religion, most likely someone will get offended.

People believe it best not to discuss religion or politics at social gatherings or in public because these are controversial subjects.

However, I believe they are very important subjects and are only controversial when one confronts a person who is blinded by religion. Religious blindness is a very dangerous thing. It is also very addictive.

I have been putting some thought into the recent sex scandals of the Catholic Church and all the priests who have confessed to sexually abusing several children.

It is hard to analyze an issue like this without allowing repulsion and scorn to fill one’s heart, but I still try to look at the big picture in order to make sense out of this, because my mind cannot understand such atrocious acts.

But part of this problem also lies in the religious blindness of the children’s parents. I am sure that good and loving parents don’t want their kids to be sexually abused. Their lack of awareness was probably based by an unconscious, blind trust inspired by religious loyalty.

As someone who grew up in a conservative, although not too strict, Catholic family, I can certainly understand this type of blind trust. After all, I was raised under the notion that priests are the representation of God Himself on this earth.

Nevertheless, I can remember how, as a child, my mother used to tell me I should not let anybody touch me. Regardless of whether or not a person is a priest.

When I was 12, my mother told me about a certain priest who seemed suspicious to her and warned me to remain at distance. I did notice some strange patterns and decided to follow my mother’s advice.

I never found out whether my mother was right or wrong about this priest, and I didn’t run the risk of it. My mother chose common sense over dogma and realized that a priest is also a man. And man has weaknesses. The fact remains that she chose to be realistic with her religious beliefs.

This is similar to blindly religious individuals who often condemn homosexuals seem to be very far off from reality when they don’t acknowledge recent scientific research on this issue, which points to slight brain variations amongst homosexuals. What if in the near future, science proves that homosexuality could be caused by genetics?

Sadly, I am sure the result will be that 300 years from now some church will make a formal apology for condemning gay people and all the injustices they have caused.

It has happened this way for every great blunder caused by religious groups. The poor Pope has spent most of his papal term apologizing to everybody. And let’s not think for a moment that religious fanatics are only suicide bombers or old Christian ladies who stay at home all day baking cookies.

I have met several students on this campus who are blinded by religion. I am constantly being approached by Christian students who seek to save my soul and try to get me to convert. However, the last girl took off running in disgust when I tried giving her a flyer for “The Vagina Monologues.”

It just seems arrogant to me that these students wish to save me, but are not even willing to listen to my interests. I can respect the whole idea of spreading the word of God as something that is part of their religion, but I can’t respect arrogance. The fact is, religion is a social creation of mankind; it can provide great spiritual comfort and create bonds among social groups, but it still remains man’s creation.

And just like everything else that man creates, it is under constant change due to civilization’s progress. Individuals should always try to balance religious beliefs to the reality of the society and of the time they live in.

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