Five senators appointed during SGC-MMC senate meeting

By: Angelise Petrillo/Contributing Writer

The senate of the Student Government Council at the Modesto Maidique Campus appointed five senators at their first meeting in their newly renovated senate chambers.

There were at least 12 people running for each of the seats up for grabs.

After long deliberation and much consideration – the Business and Housing seats each had runoff votes – the positions were filled and the new senators took their seats as SGC-MMC senators.

The new senators have already begun working to represent their student body and are expected to start making progress in their positions immediately.

Senator Adnan Samma, who will represent Housing students as their second senator along with Carlos Rodriguez, plans to make the necessary changes and improvements to the current living conditions of the University’s on-campus living.

“There is currently a deficiency in the awareness and solution of problematic issues for residents,” said Samma, during his presentation to the senate. “I plan to create a way for residents to voice their concerns and for housing to resolve these issues.”

Samma also “intends to make the student body more united through more on-campus housing activities, which will be available for both on-campus and commuter students.” He went on to say that he “plans to promote community awareness for issues residents are experiencing and plans on fixing them in a timely manner.”

The new College of Business senator Tatiana Medina brings with her experience from the community college level.

Medina recently transferred to the University from Hillsborough Community College and brings concepts and two years of senatorial experience from HCC to SGC-MMC.

Medina attended many state conferences addressing new opportunities for students she formerly represented and she stated that she “plans to bring these opportunities with her to the University.”

She also wants to “promote on-campus groups and activities within the College of Business to students who are unaware of the opportunities the University has to offer, for example promoting more student clubs and organizations for business majors at orientation.”

Senator Karen Iglesia, the new senator for the College of Public Health & Social Work, is a graduate student who has “had the privilege to participate in many events promoting public health awareness within the University community and within other communities, such as founding a public health group and volunteering at a women’s abuse center, which focuses on physically and mentally abused women in New York.”

Iglesia plans to create more opportunities for students within the public health field, as well as promote awareness for public health at the University.

Senator Stephanie Guzman, representing the College of Nursing and Health Sciences, “intends to bring the goals of SGA and the goals of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences together by representing the needs of the students and meeting with the Dean of her college.” Guzman plans on “expanding this relationship by promoting student activities and events which could benefit students within her college.”

The College of Nursing and Health Sciences received a new senator after a current one changed her major.

Janis Verwey changed from her former position as senator for RSCPH.

Verwey changed her major from public health to nursing and felt that she “would better represent the students by being constantly involved with the environment she will be studying in and surrounded by on a day to day basis.” She intends to continue working with and for the students, making every opportunity for success possible.

The next SGC-MMC Senate meeting will be on Monday, Sept. 19.

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