New Business dean to take office in October

Melhor Leonor/ News Director

A two-year search for a new executive dean of the College of Business has now yielded David R. Klock, who will take over for current dean Joyce Elam in October.

Klock’s appointment was made public by the Office of the Provost in a memo last Friday.

The search and screening committee was lead by John Rock, dean of the College of Medicine, who said Klock “is very devoted to scholarship and very experienced in the various departments within the school of business.”

In an interview with Student Media, University Provost Douglas Wartzok said Klock is expected to bring “much closer collaboration among the College of Business, the College of Medicine and the College of Engineering and Computing.”

He said he also expects growth in regards to “turning the intellectual property created by FIU faculty into patents, licenses and start-up companies.”

“Dean Klock brings to FIU experience in many areas in which we anticipate significant growth,” Wartzok said.

Klock currently serves as dean of the School of Business and Wells Fargo Chair of Business Administration at the University of Alabama-Birmingham, positions he has held since 2008. During this time, UAB has managed to increase revenues by 20 percent while its state funding was cut by 30 percent, according to Wartzok.

“FIU similarly needs to increase its revenues through sources other than state funding as that source of revenue continues to shrink,” Wartzok stated.

Wartzok also added that he expects to see an increase in private contributions to the College.

In 2011, Elam announced she would step down from her current position after serving as dean for 15 years. She will continue to serve as dean of University College and as a faculty member in the College of Business Administration.

“He [Klock] comes to a College of Business that is already on a positive trajectory set by the current Executive Dean Joyce Elam,” Wartzok said. “He will be expected to further enhance the national and international reputation of the College of Business.”

Klock will serve as dean of the College of Business and Knight-Ridder Eminent Scholar in Business Administration effective Oct. 1.

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