Club sports players manage school and work

Peter Holland // Assistant Sports Director

For some college students, balancing school and a part-time job can be tough. For student-athletes who participate in club sports or intramural sports, looking for work with their hectic schedules is especially difficult.

However, with proper time management and organization, juggling class assignments, work and practice on the field is achievable.

Alexis Hay is the current vice president and captain for the women’s lacrosse club at FIU. Majoring in criminal justice and minoring in psychology, she is also planning to earn a federal self-defense certificate. In addition, Hay works at BJ’S Wholesale Club. With a lot on her plate, she stresses the importance of time management.

“I have this handy dandy planner that keeps me on track [of] my lacrosse dates, my dues, things I need, my school time and work time,” Hay said. “My work time tends to fall in between school time.”

Students join sports clubs for a variety of reasons but for many, it’s a great way to stay active. Jean Roger, a statistics major, is a member of the FIU rugby team. The former football player from Coral Reef High School got interested in rugby after a friend, who is currently on the team, recommended it.

“I love running and I used to play football,” Roger said. “I just got hooked because it’s a great sport.”

Roger works 20 hours a week as an intern for an insurance company in Miami, and tutors students for an additional 20 hours. Keeping his priorities straight is the main focus for the Canada native. Without a planner, Roger successfully manages his time as a student, intern, employee and rugby player by taking everything one step at a time.

“I just try to keep things in separate,” Roger said. “I do one thing at a time and time management is my best help. You just develop skills right after doing it for a while.”

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